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3 AUG 22 thru

For such a time as this.

It's a dirty job, but somebody's gotta do it.

If not now, when?

Allow me to start by saying

I love you. I love my black race.

Here are the poignant words of a thorough

talented, gifted, singer, song writer, musician, civil rights leader.




James Brown


Now we as a culture have been through a lot. I would venture to even say,

we have been through literal hell; and I'm not cursing! Literally!!

With that being said, I applaud you young people for fighting for Justice.

However, most of you don't really know what it actually means to

'fight for justice'

Fighting for Justice, does not include, retaliation, revenge or hate.


Hate puts me in prison, love busts me out!

The Hurricane


Fighting for Justice actually means demanding an opportunity

to prove your self-worth.

The racist white man doesn't owe us anything material.

What he does owe us, is waay more valuable than that.


The one thing the racist, Klansman has stolen from Us for generations is


'equal opportunity to prove our self worth, our value, our contribution,

our legacy' to America The Beautiful'. 


I'm so sick of the same ancestral racist white man and woman

walking, running, chiming, singing and dancing to:

'anybody can do it, but you nigger'

I'm even more disturbed by you, fam, continuing to beg them for

something they have no plan on giving us; reparations.

Besides, the only debt that's actually owed; is equality; which is priceless!

Our ancestors bore: blood, sweat, tears and death;

due to the wretched mind of the slave master..

All while maintaining their dignity, integrity, character and honor.

This Land is Our Land, too!

With that being said, the only one that can change the negligible

storyline, lifeline, narrative about us, is us! The only one that can stake

a genuine claim in being valuable citizens of America The Beautiful and

not visitors passing thorough; again; is us. Aren't you tired of being treated like

a 'renter' in a land in which you stake 'equal' claim in ancestral ownership as well?


Our debt to America wasn't necessarily paid with anything material.

But, if any of your ancestors bore the whip of slave ownership, then your debt


was paid by them in; 'sweat of the brow' obedience to the overseer.


This negative perception of us, has gone on long enough.

..and to a certain extent that perception for some of us; unfortunately is accurate.


I personally think it's time to

reintroduce ourselves in such a way

it would honor our ancestors;

and place our current and future generations

on a cohesive path encompassed; in morals, humility, authenticity,

self-sufficiency, due diligence, work ethic, exemplifying


respect for ourselves as well respect for others.


Talk is cheap, words on paper are just that!

Unless ignited by a dream, a vision, or a reality plan.

For clarity purposes; the only side I'm on is:

The Trinity Kingdom

Jehovah God, The Father, The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, The Son.

...The Trinity King One's Plan...

EYES The Windows of Heaven LLC!

5 Love Projects: 7 years

The short of the long; meaning I'm not going to give you

in-depth strategy.; just the intro.


Vision Quest Global-Product Overseer National & International

Prince Yeshua's Vault-World Bank

Trinity EYES Showcase-Investor's Crown Jewel

EYES World Fare-6,000 Businesses

The Melting Pot Project-USA Business & Jobs Plan

EYES Franchises-National & International


EYES World Fare: 3 yrs

A major portion of EYE's revenue,

starting year one: after all investors and investments

are paid; will go toward: 




No US citizen left behind.

Regardless of faith, color, creed, political affiliation, origin,

belief, or stance. WE come to give back to America.

The Fare will be open Sunday thru Thursday.

Friday & Saturday will be reserved as Sabbath in honor of

Jesus Christ.

It will be during this time; all giveaways will take place.

It's time for America to start on the path of healing again.

Whether other businesses, investors of the Fare

choose to participate; will be optional.

Any US citizen who visits the Fare during the week;

will receive a free ticket to:

EYES Sabbath Day 24 hour extravaganza.

There will be no selling, during the Sabbath; only giveaways.

WE aim to put families, towns, cities, businesses, education;

back together again. 

With that being said; Jehovah God unveiled His illumination

of the path that wields us back to respectable wholeness.

...and since I'm standing in my own lane...

Allow me to humbly command my lane.

Father God, in Your Name Jehovah,

I command what I see here, into there.

Michael, you Arc Angel prepare ye the way.

Move all obstacles, stumbling blocks; including

seen and unseen warfare; out of my territory.

Father God, bring forth your impenetrable

supernatural protection. So that I may take every stride

of Your Perfect Will: in love; positively, absolutely no fear,

intimidation or distraction. You didn't give me the spirit of

fear. But of love, power and of sound mind.

Continue Holy Spirit to guide me

in humility, patience, compassion, and gratefulness,

again; in all humility; knowing that You Father God

chose me: an undeserved vessel to come through to display

Your Agape Love; to all whom will receive it.

It's not about me.


All Hail King Jesus!

Jesus, You Who paid the price for all of us

arrogant, prideful, vain, self-centered,

ungrateful human beings. 


I bowdown, I completely submit; have Your Way

Do What You Do Best; Bring Glory To Yourself.

All Glory and Honor Belong to You

my precious Trinity King One

Father, Son & Holy Spirit

and You Alone.

Nevertheless, Thy Will Be Done.



Here's my Plan for the Black Community; Citizens Only.

We're going to reintroduce ourselves:

Meet The Blacks

In these three areas:

1. Precious Children's Academy: K-12

Children first. Actually this one is for all minority and impoverished

communities. All fifty states; aligned with public schools; yet with an

actual accelerated curriculum. Totally free to the public; the only

requirements low income and citizen birthed.

2. A nationwide Black Marketplace (50 states)

A Black Showcase. The best of the best!

Perfection excellence: quality bar none...

3. A Black Wall Street

Men and women of the highest integrity, work ethic,

with a desire to give back to America too!

4. Black Silicon Valley

Geniuses, prodigies, brain stormers, out-of-the box-thinkers

The generational 'jim crow' curse breaker of:

'Anybody can do it, but you nigger' in Over!!

It's on and popping,


 finally Respected

 takes a legitimate seat at the 

Leadership National and International Table.


All participants must play a role or become a role model for; in

reaching back to raise our children up! Mentorship, tutor, big brother,

big sister. In other words, the entire black community is getting up!

Nationwide! no more welfare, no more handouts.

We earn our keep! ...and even more importantly; finally

earn the respect; well deserved to take our rightful place in

the history books

as valuable contributors to this precious land;

The United States of America

No one left behind.


Our children will no longer be characterized as the slowest learners,

the dumbest kids on the block; lowest reading and math levels.

Our youth will no longer be focused on robbing, stealing and killing.

Emergency room, jail, prison or death

will no longer be their only alternatives.

You yourself, will no longer be looking at or experiencing

living from paycheck to paycheck. Homelessness or the inability to

own a nice thing or two.


Now I'm smart enough to know my Plan is not for everybody.

Some of you are not mature enough to see the vision.

Or simply don't have a desire to become a part of it.

..and that's perfectly fine...

See cause my focus is similar to Harriet Tubman.

We all know and have heard about this

Beautiful Black Queen

& The Underground Railroad.

How many slaves she rescued.

But what we barely hear about, if at all.

Is how many slaves she was forced to leave behind.

Not because she wasn't trying to rescue them;

but due to their resistance; whether good, bad ugly, or indifferent.

Yet that didn't stop, slow down or hinder her quest in any way.

Some whom she penciled in on the first round, didn't make it until

the fifth, seventh; or barely made it out.

Again, she had an agenda; it too was a dirty job;

and wasn't waiting on anyone.

I'm even confident, on her journey: she went for many,

left with none;

but acquired several unexpected along the way.

Those were the one's whom were the most grateful.

All because it wasn't anything even fathomable in their

wildest imaginations; an escape: impossible.


I'm said all that; not as a comparison to

Beautiful Queen Harriet Tubman.

She wore destiny shoes that were specifically designed for her.

Tailor-made one of a kind. However, her rich legacy of

Let Freedom Reign

is the inheritance she left for us.


...I'm privileged and honored to do my part...

..service to man..

Just like her, I'm extending the invitation, but

I'm not waiting on anyone and will leave you behind.

Some of you don't want to work with me; due to my method.

I hear you; war on everybody.

No, war on 'the spirit' of:

evil, deception, lies, perversion, destruction, demonic;

by speaking the unadulterated negative truth. 


The negative truth, is truth; no one wants to hear;

it's hurtful, explosive, and provokes exposure.

But that doesn't make it not be true.


I know my assignment:

  plow through 'hell' to platform 'holy'.



Prepare the way for my Master to reach out and touch 'you'.

The same way 'HE touched me'.

Your reception or acceptance has nothing to do with me.

I'm just a radical, zealous messenger of

The Trinity Kingdom.

Some of you have a totally different vision.

While others are just plain dream killers. I'm not taking it personal.

Although, some of you, Jehovah God has commanded me not to work with.

Due to malice, hate, envy and secret attempted sabotage.

I transparently see you!

Again, I'm not taking it personal.

Besides, I truly believe this is the season of the underdog,

the forgotten, the taken advantage of, the walked on,

trampled, the down trodden; the rejected, the mocked,

the shamed; and definitely the givers.

Givers always get taken advantaged of; especially

when they don't have the insight to surround themselves

by other givers; but instead are surrounded by takers.

This too I had to learn the hard way.

Let's be very clear:

there's only One that I'm aiming to please:

My Precious Trinity King One

Jehovah God, The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ

In that Great Day, my only desire is to hear

Him say,

my daughter; well done; well done!


Also, this will not be a nah, nah, nah, nah,

moment toward any white person.

I'll be commanding my lane

to replenish: work with white individuals also;

all American citizen

whom has a desire to advance, and enhance America.

I truly believe everyone should be represented. I personally am

envisioning three Wall Streets: The Original, Black and Christian.

America is the Paradigm Leader of the World!!

It's time for us to soar where the Eagles Fly.

I love my God, my family, my Country and my freedom.

I am pro:

Supreme Court, The Constitution, The Bill of Rights

Police, ICE, Border Patrol

America 1st




Israel is Jesus Christ's chosen family.

So for me to extend special privilege to them;

is a no brainer. It has nothing to do with whether

or not they have chosen to worship Jesus.

That's between Him and them.

It has everything to do with


Jesus The Christ chose them.


​ EYES Love Projects

are purposed to bring back

unapologetic, with a vengeance:

The American Dream


Look Up America!

Become A CloudWalker

Take A Walk In The Supernatural Clouds

Without ever leaving your seat!


Venture Into Inner-Outer Space

Journey To The Center of The Earth

Discover Underwater Worlds

Never Ever Seen Before

See The Invisible, Become Visual

Right Before Your Very Eyes

Like Wow!

Did You See That?

Is It Real?

I Need to See It Again!!!

The Only Game In Town, Country & World


Vision Photography

Second-Sight Supernatural

Eternity's Gold

Coming to America


$ Z Nation $

International 2031


But first things, first!

Back to the matter at hand.

When I say racist white man; woman.

I'm not referring to all white people.

There are many precious

white people

in existence today

and even during slavery times.

There were many precious

white folks

who lost their lives, trying to free black slaves.


There were many precious

white people

standing beside you, marching with you, day and night.

With the same exact passion for justice;

when it pertained George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Tamir Rice

Breonna Taylor, Trevon Martin, and Eric Garner.

Just to name a few of our precious lives lost.

A majority white jury

convicted the three white racist men

who killed Ahmaud Arbery.

There were a humongous amount of

white people

who donated to the fake

Black Lives Matter Organization.

That's right fake, not one victim benefited.

I'm not even sure if any of the victims received

as much as a visit; a card, a telephone call?

It's really sad, because those brilliant brand leaders;

could have become the modern day;

'Patriots, Sheroes of Social Justice'.

Instead, they chose to squander all donations;

'mostly contributed by

white people':

amongst themselves, family and friends.

Then endorse black boys walking

around with men's pants on; as leaders

to stoke violence against

white people.


Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon,

which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man

who wields it. It is a sword that heals.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Pure genius corrupted by greed and

delusional dominion grandeur.

Listen, I'm not talking about

white people in general;

I'm only referring to the racist ones.


For clarity purposes; every time I refer to the word 'nigger'

I'm alluding to the connotation the racist white man, woman uses

to categorize us 'behind the scenes'.

I want to make very clear. I would never call anyone a nigger.

It is the most degrading thing, anyone could call someone;

especially us, blacks.

It aligns with previous historical legal categorizations.

The significant point I'm making with my use of the

'word' is; although times have changed; and we have come along

way, due to the phenomenal trailblazers of 'never back down'

'we will not be denied'; whom came before us:

The real racist white man-woman's mindset has not changed.

It has not deviated from their initial view of black people.

From their perspective 'we all are still niggers'.

Two categories house niggers and field niggers.

House niggers not only obey the massa; but they play a

major role in keeping the field niggers in

beatdown, battery check. 


..and as for you Christian Leaders, please stop acting like you don't

know what time it is! Or if you close you're eyes it will all go away.

The only way you're oblivious to this moment is; if you're not

reading, studying, teaching, discipling, preaching your bibles.

It's biblical, none of the devil's actions are hidden.

Regardless of what it looks like; this degradation experience.

Is all purposed for this moment!

The devil's plan is no secret; enslave the church folk.

Disintegrate the middle-class; kill all prosperity options

'equity' without coming through his reject soldiers.

Rev: 13:16-18

That's right 'rejects', Big Foot stepped in the lane

waay too soon.

But Jehovah God allowed it for one reason.

Jehovah is a Jealous God!


Joshua 24:19

This is the most significant moment in the history of all mankind.

For the very 1st time in the history of man;

Jesus and Satan are expecting the same exact thing.

Well actually Satan is demanding it,

Jesus is freewill-ad-will requesting it.

Either way the great divide, wheat vs tare.

What is it, I'm glad you asked?

Unwavering allegiance, loyalty and dedication.

Breakin news, frontpage, out of the closet,

ready to die for; wait for it.

Satan's demand; Jesus's request:

zero ounce of betrayal.

There is no middle fam; you're either

dancing with self, sin and Satan or

dancing with surrender, salutation and Jesus!

...after salvation...

...last chance; pick-a-side...

Joshua 24:14-24


Back to the matter at hand addressing

and illuminating the real racist whites:

starting with Joe Biden.

Who is one of the fakest individuals I've ever witnessed in my entire life.

It literally pains me, every time I see a black individual rooting for him.

He's arrogant, hostile, and God syndrome vain.

He's like tricky Dick, he's smiling in my peoples face, while

placing daggers in our backs. Every reference he makes pertaining

to black African Americans is degrading.


He started with; " If you don't vote for me, you ain't black".

Translation: 'I still own you niggers'.

...and what's even more degrading is a black man convinced my

people this racist Klansman lover was harmless: James Clyburn.


Despicable, trifling James. Yes sir, Massa!!



Then he labeled legitimate voting rights legislation as 'Jim Crow'

because quote unquote 'black people don't have, neither can afford proper IDs.

As if we're still living on plantations, with little, to no access to an education.

Translation: 'anybody can do it but you nigger'


Can it get anymore degrading than that? We own mansions, houses,

properties, planes, bentleys, benzs, businesses, degrees; all of which

require multiple ID's. Again, the massa mentality.


This is the guy that said;

"integrating schools would create racial jungles":

"without orderly integration, his kids would grow up in a racial jungle:

he didn't want his children to grow up in racial jungles.

In 1993 he pushed the crime bill

"warning of predators on our streets who were beyond the pale

and said;

"they must be cordoned off from the rest:

"lock the S.O.B's up"!

He was referring to our black men.

Not just calling them S.O.B, but demanding they be

locked up; throw away the keys.


Here's where tricky dick avails himself with fake social justice reform.

Tricky, because he makes the house niggers the front men;

Kamala Harris, James Clyburn, KJP, The Squad, Maxine Waters.

All stoking, provoking and cosigning violence; nationally

especially during the death of George Floyd.

Kamala said, 'they won't stop and they shouldn't stop;

while nationally recouping funds to bail dangerous criminals out of jail.

James 'trust me your black brother; Biden, he's a good guy'.

The Squad 'the queens of defund the police'. But hire them to protect us.

Maxine; well everything that comes out of her mouth can be

attributed to violence.


I keep hearing fam say, Kamala's very intelligent; they won't allow her

any leverage to be herself. I'm paraphrasing. ..and I'm confident what's

being said about her is true. The issue is not her intelligence; the issue is she's

a house nigger. House niggers do exactly what they're told to do.

Independent thought doesn't align with massa's agenda.

Secondly, she knew exactly what she was signing up for; she told us

Joe was a Klansman lover: then joined him. As you can see she is 100%

in footstep with Joe, in ripping and tearing America to shreds; which includes

us "We The People'! The black community is being hit the hardest.

The only thing coming out of her mouth is fake social justice reform

talking points and reverse racism.

Her stance on equity, diversion and inclusion is really a

smoke screen, gaslight to the real agenda.

Reverse racism compress whites, welfare handouts compress blacks.

'Compress' is the operative word. Hold that thought!


Then there's Karine Jean-Pierre whom told us, she was promoted not because of her skill set, but because she was the 1st black openly gay press secretary. She said it, with pride too. I'm thinking; how degrading; a promotion based on your sexual preference.

Which has nothing to do with any assignment; or her ability

to meet the challenges of the position.

...and unfortunately her poor, subpar, below standard performance; 

serves as confirmation. She simply gets paid to defend all of Joes lies, deflect, lie,

and deflect some more. I have no doubt she's intelligent, 

but house nigger intelligence doesn't fit

 the massa narrative.


Perhaps the most disturbing promotion of all was Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Joe said, he was determined to place, add a black woman to the US Supreme Court.

Operative word 'woman'. 

When asked by Sen. Marsha Blackburn who is a white woman; 

'Can you provide a definition for the word 'woman'?

Ketanji's response was 'I'm not a biologist'!

Agony, pain and grief can't even describe the torment

I personally experienced as a black, strong, dominant woman; single parent.

Who had to push through hard times, sacrifice, face resistance

and endure rejection. Overwhelmed; but even so; determined to boldly

stand ground principled on: self sufficiency, diligence, selfless,

independence, tunnel-vision, character assessed, time management,

process perfection, precision focused and results driven;

in order to be recognized as a value asset on all levels;

walking, plowing, pushing through male dominance.

It's a man's world.


She literally erased the 'woman'; especially the black woman;

our existence, our successes, out of history. It was a conscious decision.

She has two daughters. After weighing this thing on several levels;

my only conclusion is; she must be nonbinary. But what does that have

to do with the definition of a 'woman'. I'm not a dog, but I can define one.

Which confirms her horrendous, detestable, abhorrent, reprehensible,

offensive response; was purposefully calculated.



These three individuals Kamala, Karine and Ketanji

are the perfect example of what the massa thinks of a 'woman'

even more the black nigger woman.

Unintelligent-dumb, cackle-cackle Kamala,

Slow, stupid and a brazen liar-Karine

and ignorant, irrelevant, nonexistent-Ketanji.

What's even worst, these three allowed

massa, to publicly noose them, ball and chain.

In exchange for a powerless, enforced; one thought positions.

Despite history's long legacy

of valiant examples of beautiful black female

well-versed icons and trailblazers.



So if the black female or gay or nonbinary

house niggers with College, University, multiple degrees

host zero radar, zero visibility, 100% Simon says throat choke,

with chained to the fence leash extension.

Hence, all degradation promotions compliments of the massa.

Then, we field niggers have zero chance of survival,

at least in massa's warped mind.

College, University, multiple degrees or not

field niggers are invisible, transparent, translucent

accept in three areas:

cooking, cleaning and sexing.


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Haven't you notice they keep attributing the Supreme Court's

decision on abortion to the inability of the black woman.

Abortion for the black woman is the greatest annihilation

weapon on our culture. That's why the majority of the clinics

are placed in black communities. Anybody's culture can grow,

advance, enhance; but ours.

Listen up fam, between their fake social justice reform

which accelerates crime and degradation in our communities.

Infiltration-immigration which escalates poverty cultural

living standards; again in our communities.

Inflation, economy; can't afford to eat, have heat or drive;

Child indoctrination; oppressor vs oppressed hatred; and sexual exploitation;

with abortion being the ultimate self-inflicted ethic slaughter.

Without serious intervention; like enough is enough!

'We Black African Americans'

will be extinct in ten years or less.


I wasn't going to but I might as well go for broke.

Right about now, I am the greatest threat to these

control freaks. Especially to the real racist white man,

woman and their house niggers.

In these areas:

1. My agenda is the complete opposite of theirs.

The American Dream

Businesses, Entrepreneurs, Investors, Average Joe

2. EYES World Fare

Investor, business, hotel, restaurant, travel, national

and international tourist revenue explosion.

The blue collar tourist eruption.

2. Look Up, Get Up America

No US citizen left behind.

3. MPP Nationwide Business and Jobs Rejuvenation.

4. Precious One Academy K-12-50 States

Accelerated learning for black and low income communities.

5. Franchises

Pioneer legacy wealth

6. Prince Yeshua's Vault

World Bank- the word 'world' is self explanatory.

We 'America' Trinity God's Country

redeem all losses and reclaim Our rightful

position as the respected Paradigm Leader of the World.


But the most obvious of all.

It will be the first time in the history of America where 

black takes the chief seat at the table.

Chief Seat, No Competition; Zero.

Even more crisis critical 

a black female; a woman.

A single, saved, souled out, Holy Ghost filled, saturated,

sanctified, salutated and satisfied woman.

The Trinity God Got Jokes!!

Translation: The field nigger is in charge?

"Well where's the mandingo?

What you mean, almost three decades,

left behind?"

What the; just happened?

Imagine the chaos, convulsions, crisis; behind the scenes.

Years, decades of planning this catastrophic takeover.

The Great Reset

Of obey or else!

Imploding right before their eyes.

Years, decades of planning

The Seven Best Humanity Suppressors, Oppressors:







 GDP 9.1

$5 GAS, $9 EGGS, 















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I have what they; y'all need to pull it off.

But we stand opposite; not in party. This ain't about party.

This is holy vs helly!

Again; we stand opposite; not in party. This ain't about party.

This is holy vs helly!

Good vs evil!

Sacred vs demonic!

Jesus The Christ vs the Devil

LOL God Got Jokes

For such a time as this!

This is the finest, refining, defining hour!!!



The American Dream

Power to "We The People"!

$Z Nation $

Allow me to emphasize my stance:

Black Lives Matter

White Lives Matter

All Lives Matter

I'm not attempting to change anyone views.

I'm simply expressing mine.

I will not be aligning with those who choose to hate;

whether black, white or otherwise.

..and if you hate America, just know our agendas are totally opposite.

Boy, girl, bye; EYES Door permanently shut.

You one thought individuals, hit the road jack.

I'm an advocate of free thinking, and free speech.

It's extremely healthy to agree to disagree.

..sound debate..

It keeps creative minds flowing and spoken words; thought provoking.

..and as for those attempting to obliterate the heterosexual woman,

and the Christian woman. Kick rocks; it's Our mic turn!

Women Rein Forward

Before perceptions get twisted, this is not about the emasculation

of men, the elimination of gays, transgender or nonbinary individuals.

But it is about respect the heterosexual and the Christian woman.;

in bathrooms, sports, classrooms and history.

We shall not be denied.

Finally I will not be aligning with those whom have deliberately

chosen the demonic lifestyle. Satan worshippers, soul snatchers,

witches, wiccans, warlocks, sexual predators and child groomers.

My Loyalty

The Trinity King One

Jehovah God, The Holy Spirit & Jesus Christ


America 1st

America's XXtreme Home Makeover

The America Dream

& Israel

America 1st

America's XXtreme Home Makeover

The America Dream

& Israel


Back to the matter at hand.

Again, I'm talking about the real racist.

Biden's best friend was a well known Klansman; 'Robert Byrd'.

Robert Byrd was an exalted Cyclops of the KKK.

An Exalted Cyclops reports to a Grand Giant-Provincial Leader, 

a Grand Dragon-State Director, and a Grand Wizard-National

Chairman. Robert reported directly to those three; the rest of the 

positions were structure under him.

Robert Byrd was a 'recruiter' of Klansman.

 'Recruiter' is the operative word here.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist

to imagine Joe and Robert's behind the scenes

conversations about, us niggers.

 Biden performed Robert Byrd's eulogy.

Would a non-Klansman be allowed to eulogize a

nationwide 4th in Command

Cyclops Klansman?


Come on fam, walk with me.

By Kamala's own words;

 "Joe coddled with admiration the Senators

in Congress who were Klansman"; 

during the 2020 Presidential debates.

Then she joins him; and apologizes on national 

television for telling the truth, about this slave master.

She actually said; she should have never said it.



 This is where Big Mama says' 

come here little girl

I'm going to tear your hind parts up; 

you know good and well; 

you weren't suppose to cross the street!

I taught you better! Endangering the entire family.

Go upstairs, I need to calm down.

I'll be up there in a minute.


I'm talking about Kamala. The 1st woman and black woman 
to become Vice President of The United States of America. 

Who won't even open her mouth, to stop the influx of migrants

from infiltrating America. Sexual predators, drug cartels, human smugglers;

and global terrorist. A literal attack on impoverished minority and black communities.

I take that back; she just said on national tv; the southern border is safe.


WOW, WOW; can she get anymore disgraceful. There are photo's of 

individuals dressed in camouflage; with thick ropes; climbing and scaling 

the walls. Placing their feet on America's turf and then running 

uncaptured off into the sunset. Placing the entire country in danger.

She is worst than I ever imagined. Heartless!


Kamala, who waged a war on black neighborhoods, when she incited and continued to ignite the blazing fire of hate, revenge and retaliation; during George Floyd.

Instead of exampling authentic leadership; in such a tragic situation.

 She was recruiting funds to let real criminals out of jail. 

Egging them on 'they won't ever stop and they shouldn't!

Criminals who pursued innocent victims lives and the destruction of our communities.


No more grocery stores, barber shops, 

hair salons, clothing stores, gas stations, malls,

advancing poverty to extreme levels. 

How much were we worth Kamala;

for you to sell us out like this?


She is a disgrace to all women, especially black women, 

and minority communities.

Can anybody tell me one good thing Kamala had done 

for Us, since she's been in Office? Hello! Just one.



I take no pride or pleasure in pointing out any black woman's

deficient, ineffective path. It's actually heartbreaking to watch.

We have too many pioneers, who bred blood sweat and tears, to get 

us to this point; to settle for anything less; than the authentic empowerment

of black women, men or children; is ludicrous. To remain silent would prove

to be death to all future generations. ..and an indictment on those

whom deliberately choose to turn blind eye.


It's not like we don't have great black women, true pioneers,

geniuses, masterminds, brilliant, prodigies, intelligent

 to model ourselves by.

Whom came before us, whom actually fought through slavery,

prejudice, racism, segregation, lawn cross burnings, Churches

torched, husbands assassinated, children hung in trees.

The black culture has been through too much suffrage,

to not catch the Freedom baton that has been handed to us. 

Run the Race.


We collectively must pursue with vigor, what we have been

denied: our opportunity to prove our self worth; equality.

Our contribution to America.

 Not with hate, retaliation or revenge; not by stepping on, 

or over each other; or leaving anyone behind.

..and boy are we guilty of that..

But instead, by taking every stride in love, compassion,

understanding, caring, humility, and strength.

Platforming our magnificent gifts, talents and skills.

Never settling for less; than the respect that we give.


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr gave Us the mantra, 

Free at Last, Free at Last

Thank God All Mighty

I'm Free At Last!!

Equity Enslaves Us, Equality Frees Us!


Continue to run this 'justice race'; until equality 

platforms Itself.

...and just in case you need to look back in order to 

p.u.s.h, move forward; with stability and stamina. 


Here are some the most 

extraordinary, character driven, due diligent, selfless,

passionate, precious, compassionate, precision focused,

time sensitive, self sufficient, self managed, integrity

bar-none, authentic pilots, visionary, trailblazing

results proven, beautiful black legends and icons.


Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Ella Baker, Josephine Baker,

Daisy Bates, Mary McLeod Bethune, Elaine Brown, Shirley Chisholm,

Septima Clark, Anna Julia Cooper, Angela Davis, Marian Wright Edelman,

Amy Ashwood Garvey, Fannie Lou Hamer, Dorothy Height, Claudia Jones,

Flo Kennedy, Pauli Murray, Diane Nash, Rosa Parks, Jo Ann Robinson,

Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin, Maria Stewart, Mary Church Terrell, 

Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Barbara Jordan, Claudette Colvin, Madam C.J. Walker,

 Lyda D. Newman, Ruby Bridges, Fannie Lou Hamer, Marsha P. Johnson, Audre Lorde, Marian Anderson, Dinah Washington, Sarah Vaughan, Billie Holiday, Mamie Smith, Ella Fitzgerald, Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Mahalia Jackson, Etta James, Coretta Scott King, Maya Angelou, Mamie Till, Betty Shabazz, Ruby Nell Bridges

Run The Race

Chase Freedom Down


Back to Joe:

"poor kids are just as bright as white kids"

Just disgusting!


..and we don't even want to discuss how his egregious unconstitutional vaccine

mandate corrupted all communities; but particularly the black community; and especially our children. He has at least three pones right now, with 

'their foot on our children's neck'. 

Still inflicting this illegal vaccine mandate on our precious children. 

Muriel Bowser, Washington DC, Kathy Hochul, New York, 

and Gavin Newsom, California. 


Muriel who is black; won't even allow children to do online 

learning if they haven't been vaccinated.

 Statistics say only 25% of black children have been

vaccinated in Washington DC. Which literally means she's

blocking 75% of innocent black children from acquiring

 an education; 

after this atrocious two year lockdown. 



Take your foot off our children's neck Muriel!

I was trying not to go here; but I'm heated.

Hot as fish grease!!

The elephant in the room.

Black on black self-inflicted destruction. 

The perfect example of massa house nigger enforcement.


Mayor Eric Adams and New York Gov. Kathy Hochul have

 both said they support making Covid vaccination 

for all public school children mandatory (May 2022).

 Who does it effect the most; the

 impoverished; and especially African Americans. 

 72% of African American children have not been vaccinated. 

Seriously, Eric eliminates covid mandate requirements

when it pertains the athletes.

 But still wants to hold our precious children hostage. 

When studies show children are least affected.

Again, massa house nigger enforcement.



We hear more about him partying amongst the celebrities; 

than anything concrete; when it pertains to crime solving.

 Eric was hired to take down, handcuff, the bad guys; clean New York up.


Yet it appears the only gun he has pointed is 

actually a needle; chasing 72% of innocent black children down,

no shot, you lose your spot; to an unvaccinated illegal immigrant.

He ought to be ashamed of himself, bullying his own. 

Vulnerable parents and children.

The US Supreme Court, annihilated Joe and Kamala's 

unconstitutional vaccine mandate. Yet, he's still open to 

oppressing our, precious black children with it. 

Which would cost them additional disparities when it 

pertains to acquiring a solid, vibrant, thorough education.


He needs the original Mandingo 

 to snatch him up and throw him in the ring.

As a staunch reminder of

 all the bruises, stripes, beatdowns in chains 

he took; in order to protect, black women and especially 

our precious black children. 

Is it too early to fire him?


It's not like we don't have great black men, true pioneers,

geniuses, masterminds, brilliant, prodigies, intelligent

to model ourselves by.

Whom came before us, whom actually fought through slavery,

prejudice, racism, segregation, lawn cross burnings, Churches

torched, assassinations, children hung in trees.

The black culture has been through too much suffrage,

to not catch the Freedom baton that has been handed to us.

...and we have some strong black men currently blazing the path,

leaving no stone unturned. Proving success is not only possible;

but inevitable, family, country and God. 

Run the Race.

 Just to get my point across, I'm going to give you 

some examples of some strong, powerful, black men.

 Who wear their Superman Cape confidently.

 I'm talking about some of the baadest bosses on planet earth.

Black men from various fields.

Whom have earned their Prince and King Crowns.

History Makers, Game Shakers, Revolutionaries!

Heck, Done Did or Are Doing The Darn Thang!!!


Black Men of Excellence

The Original Gangsters


Booker T. Washington, Frederick Douglas, W.E.B. Dubois, 

Dr. Charles Drew, George Washington Carver, Norbert Rillieux, Garrett Morgan, Percy Julian, Henry Aaron Hill, Samuel Massie Jr, Lemuel Haynes, Richard Allen



Duke Ellington, Thurgood Marshall, Buck O'Neil, Vernon Baker, Robert Abbott, Alvin Ailey, Benjamin O. Davis Sr., Jesse Owens, Stevie Wonder, Ray Charles, Little Richard, John Cephas, Gordon Parks, Sidney Poitier, Jackie Robinson, August Wilson, Bill Russell, James Baldwin, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Muhammed Ali, Malcolm X, Jimi Hendricks, Quincey Jones, Richard Pryor, James Brown, Marvin Gaye, Nat King Cole, Sammy Davis Jr., Harry Bellefonte, Barry White, Lou Rawls, Arthur Ashe, Sam Cook, Dick Gregory, Stokely Carmichael, Gayle Sayers, Julian Bond, Berry Gordy, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, John Lewis, Joe Frazier, Clarence Thomas, Colin Powell, 

William Jackson, William Guillory, Charles Meridith, Joseph Lowry, Samuel DeWitt Proctor, Ralph Abernathy, Jeremiah Wright, Charles G. Adams, Dr. Frederick Price,

Andre Crouch, Barry Bonds, Sugar Ray Leonard, George Foreman, Otis Redding,

Donald Goines, Evander Holyfield, George Jefferson, Bill Russell, Wes Unseld Sr.

John Thompson Jr, John Chaney, Tiny Lister, Charles S. Dutton, Louis Gossett Jr. 

James Earl Jones, Ben Vereen, Billy D. Williams, Clarence Williams III, Paul Winfield,

Morgan Freeman, Bill Duke, Michael Clarke Duncan, Danny Glover, Frankie Faison,

Lionel Richie, Joe Brown, Sam Cooke, Al Green, Paul Robeson, Thomas A. Dorsey,

James Cleveland, Willie Johnson, Percy Sledge, Lemon Jefferson, Richard Smallwood,

Gary Davis, , William McCowell, The Blind Boys of Alabama, Demon Wilson, Red Foxx, Whitman Mayo, Don Bexley, Nathan Taylor, Hal Williams, Tony Dungy,

Larry Holmes, James Cleveland, Edwin Hawkins. Andre Crouch, Tremaine Hawkins, Hezekiah Walker, Clifton Davis, Greg Morris, Ray Hubert, King Richard, Jim Brown, Wilt Chamberlain, Art Still, Derrick Ramsey, Alvin Ailey, Ramsey Lewis, Tiger Woods,

Bill Russell, 

Baby Gangsters

 Jesse Jackson, Denzel Washington, Spike Lee, Michael Jackson,  Samuel L. Jackson, Don Cheadle, Lawrence Fishburne, Forrest Whitaker, Eddie Murphy, Wesley Snipes, Michael Jordan, , Clarence Avant, Julius Erving, Magic Johnson, Mike Tyson, Baby Face, 50 Cent, Biggie Smalls, Tupac, Snoop Dogg, Dave Chappelle, Kanye West, Diddy Combs, Martin Lawrence, Chris Rock, Jamie Fox, Bernie Mac, Chris Randy Jackson, Tucker, Nick Cannon, Byron Allen, Dr. Dre, Clark Peters, Lecrae, 

Allen Iverson, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Chris Paul, A-Rod, Patrick Ewing, Kobe Bryant, 

Shaq, Ludicrous, DMX, Tiger Woods, Jermaine Jackson, Stephen A Smith, Jay Z

Russell Simmons, Mos Def, Master P, Deion Sanders, Randall Cunningham,

Hershel Walker, Dennis Rodman, Angelo Watson-James, Dr. Henry Louis Gates. Jr., 

Courtney B. Vance, Ray J., Jalen Rose, DJ Khaled, Jason Kidd, Moses Malone, Montel Williams, Billy Blanks, Bill Nunn, Joe Morton, Garrett Morris, Delroy Lido,  Michael Spike Lee, Dorn, Avery Brooks, Andre Braugher, Djimon Hounsou, Tyler James Williams Joseph Simmons, T.D. Jakes, Cornell West, Gardner Calvin Taylor, Bill Winston, Keith W. Reed Sr., Creflo Dollar, Noel Jones, Clarence McClendon, I.V. Hilliard, Mike Brown, Mike Freeman, Andrew Toney, Cedric The Entertainer

James David Manning, Andre Butler, Charles Barkley, Paul Morton, William Barber,

Elder Rainey, Tony Evans, Jamal Bryant, Cecil Williams, Lawrence Van Hook, Ted Williams, Ice T, Ice Cube, Terry Crews, Tracey McGrady, Gary Payton, Floyd Mayweather Jr., Stevie J, Drake, Tyler Perry, Derek Jeter, Michael Irvin, Emmett Smith, Doug Christie, Boris Kodjoe, Ja Rule, Coolio, Jermaine Dupre, Alfonso Ribeiro, 

Grant Hill, Isaiah Thomas, Scottie Pippen, Chauncy Billups, Olajuwon, Greg Mathis, 

Nick Adler, Papoose, Carlos Boozer, Swiss Beatz, Larry Elder, Omar Epps, Daniel Harrison, LeVar Burton, LL Cool J, Tyron Lue, Jamahl Mosley, Willie Green, Jason Kidd, Wes Unseld Jr., Nate McMillan, Cy Alexander, Hubert Davis, Mike Brown, David Mann, Joakim, Leon Robinson, Tracey Morgan, Mike Tomlin, Greg Leakes, 

Kendrick Lamar, Byron Scott, Israel Houghton, Donavan McNabb, N.O.R.E, Rajon Rhondo, Cash Money, Little Wayne, Brian Robinson, Burgess Owens, Rick Ross, Kevin Garnett Mase, Jadakiss, Bow Wow, Jagged Edge, Kriss Kross, Street Bud, Stephen Bellefonte, Doc Rivers, Monty Williams, Tequan Richman Drew, Damon Wayans, Fred Hammond, BeBe Winans, Irv Gotti, Kenny Smith, 2 Chains, Bobby Brown, Harold Ford Jr.,  Ne Yo, Kirk Franklin, Marvin Sapp, Petri Hawkins-Byrd, Kenny Latimore, Jaleel White, Tyrese Gibson, T.I., Richard Jefferson, Steve Harvey, Dikembe Mutombo, Victor Blackwell, Reginald VelJohnson, Darius McCrary, Shawn Harrison, James Avery, Joseph Marcell, Duane Martin, Tony Rock, Jayden Smith, Donnie McClurkin, Ben Carson, Richard Smallwood, Ricky Dillard, E. Dewey Smith, Steve Harvey, Common, Lamar Odom, Smokie Norful, Grant Hill, Clyde Drexler, Shannon Sharpe, Terrance Howard, Tyron Lue, Ernie Hudson, Clifton Powell, Treach, Chadwick Bozeman, Milt Wagner, Emmitt Smith, Kevin Garnett, Paul Pierce, Bobby Brown, Dwight Howard, Nipsey Hussle, Kirk Frost, Rich Dollars, Rocc Head Johnson, Al B Sure, John Salley, Carl Weber, Terrell Owens, Reggie Miller, Amar'e Stoudemire, Lawrence Taylor, Michael Ealey, Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, 


Kevin Hart, Jack Johnson, Andre Braugher, Harold Bell, Malcolm Hillburn, Dennis Haysbert, Alex Thompson,  Morris Chestnut, Omari Hardwick, Michael Ealy,  Sterling K. Brown, Tyrese Gibson, John Legend, , Charles Payne, Jack Brewer ,  Joseph Lapado,, Attorney Ben Crump, Attorney Leo Terrell, Tyrus, Michael Che, Antonio Brown, Russell Wilson, Damon John, Michael Vick, Dwight Howard, The Rock, Vin Diesel,

Michael Nutter, The Game, Kevin Durant, Steph Curry, Lebron James, David Webb

 Don Lemon, Juan Williams, Allen West, , Julien Washington,, Joel Embid, Dak Prescott, Ezekiel Elliot, Patrick Mahomes, Ken Hutchinson, Jordan Poole, Paul George, Chance, Iman Shumpert, Kawhi Leonard, Jimmy Butler, Ben Simmons, Davale Ellis 

Russell Westbrook, JMoss, Travis Scott, James Harden, Kyree Irvin, Kevin Ross, Charles Michael Davis, Darryl Mitchell, Khamani Griffin, Tristan Thomas, Anthony Davis,

Darkim Be Allah Christ, Ty Smith, Van Jones, Fat Joe, Jim Jones, Boosie Badazz, Freddie Gibbs, Offset, Mike Sterling, Deontay Wilder, Hollywood Pompeli, Da Baby

Lil Pump, Lil Yachty, Lil Uzi Vert, A$AP Rocky, Trai Byers, Big Sean, Sheaun McKinney, Christian Keyes, Stan Shaw, Travis Winfrey, Waka Flocka, Marcus Smart, Kodak Black, Dionte Johnson, Todd Tucker, Eugene Harris, Nnamdi Asomugha,

Future, Damian Lilliard, Andrew Wiggins, Joe Dumar, Jonathan Kuminga, James Wiseman, DJ Henson, Sean Ringgold, Michael Jai White, Miguel A Nunez Jr.

Joey Bada$$, Jonathan Majors, Chris Frierson, Stephen Sikes, Nicolas Batum, Brandon Boston Jr, Moses Brown, Amir Coffey. Robert Covington, Moussa Diabate, 

Romeo Miller, Reggie Jackson, Joc, Scrappy, Safaree, Jimmy Uso, Ryan Coogler, Jake Paul, Dajuan Wagner, Patrick Beverly, Ceedee Lamb, KP, Caesar Emmanuel, Ryan Henry, Puma Robinson, Ted Ruks, Walt Miller, Phor Robinson, Donald Brumfield Jr.,

James Harden, Kendrick Perkins



 Lawrence Jones, Gianno Caldwell,  Michael B. Jordan, Charlamagne

 Odell Beckham Jr., , , Christian Walker, Bronny James, Charles Watson, Meek Mill, Richard Fowler, Robert Smith, Kevin Corke, Aaron Judge, Frederick Price Jr, John Gray, Rovel Dunn, Damon Wayans Jr., Brian Hawkins, Esau McCaulley, John David Washington, Jalen Hurts, Dempsey Robinson, Deion Sanders Jr, DJ Wagner, Todd Tucker, Yung Joc, Dedan Thomas, Oneka Okongwa, Jalen Johnson, Zion Williamson, Isaiah Carter, Daniel Idfresne, Alma Ohene-Opare, Corey Yeshua, Saben Lee, Deontay Wilder, Aaron Bradshaw, Jonathan Batista, Roderick Robinson, Trevor Noah, Mendeecees Harris, Yordan Alvarez, Marcus Jordan, King Combs, Shedeur Sanders, Shilo Sanders, Nick Young, LaKeith Stanfield, Bob Phillips, Jaewon Phillips, Youngboy, Miles Oneil, Pardison Fontaine, Tampa Boi Beatz, Kid Cudi, Ja Morant, Shaqir Oneil, Juan Toscano-Anderson, Myles Turner, Buddy Hield, Anthony Edwards, Zach Lavine, Ramses Ja, Quinton Ward, Dennis Smith Jr., Nick Ali Walsh, Karl Anthony Towns, Zaire Wade, Shareef Oneil, Marquise Jackson, Deon Sanders Jr., Kiyan Anthony, 






...just to name a few...




Now when you look and hear Kathy it becomes very obvious

 she's out-of-touch with reality. 

Come on, she bragged, about the ruthless criminal who

deliberately knocked an innocent man out, unprovoked.

She bragged about him being locked back up. Declaring she, New

Yorkers should take note, she was the one whom had him locked back up; 

as if she literally went there and placed the handcuffs on him

and shoved him in the police car. 


Is anybody home? The answer, NO!

Seriously, New Yorkers, hasn't she and Bill DE Blasio placed enough

oppression on you; when it pertains to the unconstitutional vaccine mandate?

That was a lot of authoritarian power right? 

..and neither of them hesitated to enforce it.

Restaurants, schools, grocery stores, all public places: forcing

Private Businesses to be unpaid Covid Police; otherwise strict penalties.

 DE Blasio bragged on national television, 

about being an unrelenting Enforcement Officer.

 They must obey! Because, I said, So!

...roll back the tape...

Kathy can't possibly relinquish the totalitarian grip, right! 

Let's see the new bail reform laws, 

implemented by Alan Bragg

keep the communities under direst. 

The criminals do the work, keep rereleasing them.

..and a continuation of covid-mandates on schools 

reinforce resolute compliance.

Control must be maintained, no matter the cost.

New Yorkers, haven't you had enough? 


Their draconian authoritarian rule have run prominient

businesses, police officers, fire fighters, doctors,

nurses, emt's school teachers and families; out of town.


Kathy, with Eric's approval were even attempting to 

invade your law-abiding citizen voting rights, by including

illegal immigrants. 

Fortunately, The New York Supreme Court ruling

eliminated any such notion.

Which proves how valuable you are to them;

seconds away from illegal unvaccinated immigrant replacement.

Then Kathy had the nerve to insult your intelligence,

by saying; Lee Zeldin and the republicans are dictators.

Talk about adding insult to injury; that would allude

to you, New Yorkers are too stupid to realize who's 

 covid dictatorship 

whip and chain you've been suppressed by; 

with DE Blasio screaming from the skyscraper

rooftops; and Hochul clenching his hand. 

Obey or else! Because I said, so!


Again, I asked you New Yorkers; population 87,867,000

with a minority population 8.85 million; haven't you had enough?

The trajectory has changed from competition between democrats and 

republicans. The trajectory: 

Oppression vs Freedom!

The deadline: November 8, 2022

Action speaks louder than words.

Will you choose Freedom over Oppression?


Power to 'We The People! 

Snatch America Back 2.0

November 8, 2022



..and then there's Gavin Newsom, whom has literally 

did or accomplished what was impossible; unimaginable. 

Beautiful, flourishing Cali! Anybody, who wanted to be recognized 

as somebody, would move to Cali. The home of the rich and the famous.

One of the top tourists traps in the entire Country; if not number one. 

At least, before Gavin came to town, wielding his Covid whip and chain.

He, all by himself, has destroyed California. Tore up from the floor up!

More than 360,000 people left California in 2021. The state of California's

 population declined 0.3% between 2021 and 2022. Hollywood fleeing 

California high taxes for New Mexico. Hollywood is also headed east 

to resume content creation.

More than a quarter of a million people ran, like in flee mode from a war.

Big businesses, small businesses, families; run, run, run for your life!

The majority of the ones still there are those who can't afford to move. 


Don't get me wrong his rules

 don't and never did apply to the rich and famous. 

We've witnessed them, including him, continue to violate

in our faces. Whether, partying, ballparking, or restauranting.

This is not an indictment on the rich and famous.

But it is an indictment on the politician. Who was hired to

cater to all his constituents, not a select few.

The democrats oppression, suppression

 is aimed at the little guys' the peons;

 'We The People'. 

He used Covid as a weapon to tear up, rip to shreds;

 black, minority and impoverished communities education. 

Shut the schools completely down, while opening them to unvaccinated

illegal immigrant children. Then, he put up a massive sign, to taxpaying 

parents; no shot, your children lose their spot. ..and by the way, we don't 

need your permission to give them the shot. 

Homelessness, there's probably almost as many people living

on the street; as there are living in houses. Zero intervention.

All criminals welcome, especially you blacks ones. Steal as much as 

you can. No penalty, time served. We'll called it reparations. 

...hold that thought...


A covid wrecking ball of ruination.


You and I both know, these deliberate oppressive acts; 

have nothing to do with Covid.

When Covid was at its height; children were the least affected. 

 It has everything to do with annihilations of education 

when it pertains to the future generations of blacks and minorities. 

Its a constant reminder of what every African American citizen 

experienced in previous years. The white racist man saying; 

'anyone can do it, but you nigger!


Muriel needs a good ole fashion behind whooping 

to remind her where she comes from; 

where her loyalties should lie. 

Not with some old racist white man.

But with the future of our precious generations. 

If she had any dignity, an ounce of integrity,

 she would resign.


...and then there's racist white woman 

Janet Yellen suggesting

'black women' 

are affected the most by this new direction;

 pertaining to current abortion laws";

due to poverty. 

Are you kidding me?

There are only 11 States with strict abortion restrictions. 

Leaving 39 more with limited or no restrictions. 

Seriously, black women travel wherever they 

want; to get but, hip, breast implants and face lifts.

Some even venture out of the country. Give me a break!

I am pro-life. 

But, I was on the other side.

Meaning, I had an abortion. I killed one of my children.

God's precious gift of life.

 It was before my illumination of the revelation by 

The Trinity Kingdom

Jehovah God, The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ

with Jehovah God Commander in Charge;

illuminating His firm stance on the matter.

 He was firm, with the reality of what I had done.

Like heart wrenching, heart breaking, 

unacceptable; tear jerker, unwavering firm.

About my irrevocable selfish choice.

Then He smothered me with, His unconditional love.

Glory Cloud Surround Sound of forgiveness!


Overall, my advise to pro-life men and women;

 is to be sensitive, gentle, kind, and understanding; 

when it pertains to the pro-choice male or females stance. 

While we might be total opposite in posture;

Delivery is King.

 We all have a freewill to make life choices. 

We just don't have a freewill in the consequences 

of those very choices.

...and my advise to pro-choice men and women.

The reality; this is America.

The Land of The Free

Freedom of expression, beliefs, faith

culture, speech, and choice.

We pro-lifers have just as much right

 to want abortion to be illegal; 

as you do; in wanting  

abortion to be legal. 

The beauty in The US Supreme Court Decision

is it allows both you pro-choicers and us pro-lifers

to have our voices heard and stances platformed.

Negotiation, compromise, respecting 

one another's postures

whom are totally opposite; not agreeing but respecting

 without violence, intimidation, revenge or retaliation.

Is true democracy.

This is how you know democracy is working.

There are 13 states that ban abortion.


There are 21 states with zero abortion restrictions.

Abort up until birth.

There are 16 states with limited abortion restrictions. 

Abort up until, a predetermined amount of weeks.

Any further negotiations must be pursued at State levels;

between the voter and the Office Holders.

Democracy means citizen voices are heard 

and resolutions are comprised that not

only represent; but include all.

Now, the only way to crush a vicious

 malicious lie;

is with the transparent authentic truth.

Let's start with; 

the democrats could care less about

pro-choice abortions. Otherwise the fake 

Squad, AOC, Rasheeda Tliab, Ilhan Omar who

are women of color, by the way would not have been

 perpetuating being locked up; in hand shackles. 

It's all a farce. 

The despicable Lori Lightfoot made a 

'call to arms'

on gay rights; not abortion rights.

Detestable Chuck Schumer's, only goal is deep state.

100% perpetuity power the democrats, so he can 

rule over us, from his rocking chair.

Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden claim to be

devout Catholics, yet both are zealously pushing 

abortion; placing the emphasizes on the poor, illiterate,

 black woman. Authentic Catholics don't believe in

abortion. It's all a hoax, fam. They need votes.

These vicious vipers are touting abortion rights

when law-abiding citizens can't eat, heat, drive, or house

due to their egregious policies. 

..and here's what despicable Nancy had the nerve to say

about our hardships on 'Face The Nation'.

Pelosi's own words: "The fact is... when I hear talk about 

inflation...we have to change the subject. 

Inflation is a global phenomenon.

Massa mentality. They eat, we starve.

Can it get any more detestable that that?


One year and eight months, haven't you had enough yet?


I know grandpop, grandmom, mom and dad 

have all been democrats.

It's the family tradition. I get it, but these or the posture of 

these individuals

is not the same as the leaders back then.

 They weren't pitting whites against blacks

 or vice-versa.

They, each one of them were fighting for equality. 

From Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington,

Sojourner Truth, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks,

 Muhammed Ali, Shirley Chisholm, Stokely Carmichael, 


Coretta Scott King, Dick Gregory, Aretha Franklin, James Brown

and many many more...


..and they surely weren't attempting to 

diminish, demolish, destroy

our lifestyles; livelihoods, careers, 

dreams and lifelong visions. 

Without a vision the people perish.

Proverb 29:18


Their plight for justice was never 

about a beatdown

although some endured many.

It was always about a come up for Us. 


Dr. Martin Luther King couldn't have exegeted

it anymore eloquently.



I have a dream that my four little children

will one day live in a nation where they will not 

be judged by the color of their skin but by the

 content of their character.


His exhortation wasn't equity; his exhortation was equality.


..and I keep hearing them say democracy is on the ballot..

It's true democracy is on the ballot. Perhaps the real question is 

why is democracy on the ballot? 

Here are four words that sum up democracy: 

citizen: equality, freedom, justice.




40 Year High Inflation, Economy Zero, Supply Chain Disaster, Criminals Rein, Unfit-DA's, Border Crisis, Education Ruined, Afghanistan Travesty, IRS Guns, Citizens Homeless, Unconstitutional Mandates & Censorship, 2 Tiers of Justice, 

Fossil Fuels ChokeD & Child Indoctrination


All of which are the direct result of their policies.

Each one calculated, deliberate and strategic.

Does any of it accelerate freedom, equality or justice

for Us 'We The People' Fam?

No, it does quite the opposite.

To be clear, the opposite or antonyms for democracy are:

dictatorship, totalitarianism and oppression.

Look no further;

those three word's describe and confirm their actions;

 via policies; in pursuit of the ultimate agenda

The Liberal World Order!

Policies that Joe, himself says 

'We The People"

must suffer through until he meets 

his pinnacle objective.

Again; The Liberal World Order




I don't know about you, but my ancestors

were slaves. It is no way, I'm going to align with

 a racist white man, clan; who's only goal is to do a 

repeat, a do over.

He might straddle the house niggers in a chokehold;

based on promised crumbs from his table.

But, I'm a field nigger; field niggers always rebel:

actually, we're not rebellious, we're nonconformist.

Not only do we know how to survive the wicked,

treacherous elements: weather any storm.

But we're born free, live free, walk free;

and will die free.

This Free Land is Our Free Land Too!



This is a rise or fall moment.

The choices you make today, will determine your,

your children and your children's, children future legacy.

..and as for those of you fam whom are already at the top...

You black accomplished geniuses are not exempt.

Contemplate this: the less at the top;

the easier to annihilate. You're still a nigger.

Pluck you off one at a time.

..and whatever you do; do not listen 

to the house niggers. They reap

benefits off of your demise.

Stay Woke! Don't Sleep!


True democracy flew out the window 

on behalf of the democrats; 

when Nancy Pelosi 

 tore up Donald Trump's

Presidential Speech on national 

tv; while he was speaking.

When the white man, 

not just any white man


The Leader of the Free World

 like him or not

gets publicly lynched; faces the gallows.

''We" niggers don't have a chance.

Unless 'We' rebel! 

Not physically; but with the one thing they claim

 we don't have 'intellect and heart'.

The mastermind and courageous

 heart of a warrior

 is unstoppable!

Again, stay woke; don't sleep!

She called for his impeachment; 

over a phone call

where he brought up a question about

Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine.

They impeached him arguing; he was using 

The Power of the Presidency

 to go after a political opponent.

 Yet, she remains quiet, silent as Joe Biden

circumvents, the constitution, literally, breaks the law;

on such things as vaccine mandates, open borders endangering

our lives, places a choke hold on our economy, squeezes the literal

life out of us; while flirting in our face; with the most malicious

enemies on the planet. Begging them to help us. 

Us, the Free World,

The Paradigm Leader of the World. 

Turning corrupt bills into laws; 

that perpetrate the actual path. Creating the greatest

wealth transfer in the history of America. 

The Infrastructure Bill cost $3 trillion.

Question; does anybody see any roads being fixed, airports 

restructured, new buildings to house America's impoverished and 

homeless? As of August 2021, there were 580,466 citizens homeless.

Among the nation's racial and ethnic groups, 

Black Americans have the highest rate of homelessness.

It's time for 'We The People

to be come good steward of our money.

Require online accounts of all monies being allocated.

The when and the where.

Results otherwise wealth transfer

There has to be a tracker

 Show Us the money or results!

The American Rescue Plan cost $1.9 trillion.

 Can anybody tell me who are the 

beneficiaries of this plan? Rescue involves recovery. 

Somebody need to testify to rescue and recovery.

All I know is Nancy got a park in her neighborhood.

Again, tracker, results or the money!

The faux Inflation Reduction Act.

According Mark Theisen and Bjorn himself.

Bjorn Lomborg; the climate expert took his COQ numbers

 the from the bill and plug them into the UN climate model.

You know what he found?

 By the end of this century, the bill will reduce global temperatures

 by 0.009% degrees Fahrenheit to 0.028 degrees Fahrenheit by the end of the century. So not only will it not reduce inflation, it's not going to reduce 

global temperatures. The greatest, white racist wealth transfer ever.

Listen, black people, my precious family.

 You know we inherited from this faux law?

The Po-Po,

 An Iron Army!

 The deployment of 87,000 IRS agents to harass all Americans.

But you know we're the ginny pigs right? 

The first to experience the wrath!

Well, I take that back, this time they started with

their nemesis, arch enemy, rival, their greatest threat another 

white man: Donald Trump.

Nobody should be laughing at this situation right now.

They're literally flaunting their lawless power and authority

of fearmongering. Whether you like or hate Donald, it's transparently

clear, this is their last illegal attempt at a public lynching.

Basic law states innocent until proven guilty.

Yet, the co-chair Liz Cheney of the Jan 6th Committee

vehemently expresses her hate publicly for Donald. Had her father

do a national commercial about his hate for Donald.

All while the January 6th Committee is still in session. 

That's discrimination, a violation of equal treatment under the law. 

On those legal grounds alone, the January 6th Committee should

be immediately disbanded. It bares no constitutional standing.

 It has been egregiously tainted, corrupted by 

it's Own leadership. 

Every citizen and noncitizen

is entitled to fair unbiased trial; under the law.

 The DOJ, the FBI, invaded Donald's mansion;

with a general warrant; that said; collect whatever you

see; like everything. Which clearly, based on the warrant

would include Melania's panties, if in a box, next to a box

with papers in it. They did enter her bedroom.

A violation of his 4th amendment right.

The DOJ, Merrick Garland, who brazenly told us.

we had no right to criticize the DOJ or the FBI.

Yet, he hasn't said one public word to ensure again;

Donald's equal treatment under the law,

 when it pertains to the daily leaks coming from the very Agency, 

he's demanding our respect. No one word to ensure us, he's 

going to intervene.

That's because his stance with us, the general public,

is that of; Fearmongering: censorship; shut up!

Rules for thee, but not for me!

Some of the same Supervisory Government Officials 

of the DOJ, the FBI

and few Biden's cabinet members

involved in the Russia Hoax and Hillary's

legally proven fake dossier are overseeing or in some way

in legal connection with the current investigation.

Sounds, like discrimination to me; at the least a conflict of interest.

Two impeachments, the January 6th Committee, a 4th amendment

breach on Mr. & Mrs. Trump's personal private property;

which included her panty drawer.
...and the best they got is Liz Cheney saying

she's running for President in 2024

to stop Donald Trump!

It would be hilarious, if it wasn't so egregious!

Again, black family, stay with me, stay woke.

 I know long winded; but OG lessons are life sustaining.

Back to Nancy,

 who hasn't called an impeachment on Joe Biden. 

Where her republican colleagues Chuck Grassley and 

Ron Johnson are saying they've witnessed the evidence 

on Hunter's laptop of probable collusion 

with foreign countries. Proof of monetary exchanges

at levels that don't equate with normal business transactions.

...and have whistleblowers approaching them

every week about the FBI's coverup. It's demand on lower level

staff to hush on anything pertaining to Hunter's laptop; specifically

during the 2020 Presidential campaign.

Where Mark Zuckerberg is admitting the FBI told him and 

his staff it was Russian disinformation; and should be treated as such'

In other words; censor the public; whether news outlets or general public.

Where Twitter censored any such communication; and shutdown accounts

business, professional or general; pertaining to the Biden Dynasty.

White House records, revealing oligarchs visiting Joe on numerous 

occasions, in the White House; when he was Vice President.

Hunter's partner, unveiling emails between and Hunter's 

associate and confidant; labeling Joe Biden 'The Big Guy'!

There are photo's of Joe, Hunter and oligarch's in Mexico.

There's legitimate evidence connecting

Hunter to Russian, Ukraine, and Chinese Oligarchs.

There's proof he accepted millions from all of them.

There's proof he paid his Daddy's bills with some of the money.

There's corroborating evidence and witnesses that 

Joe Biden is The Big Guy. 

Yet, there's no proof that Nancy has solicited, rounded up

her democrat and republican colleagues to

 file impeachment papers on Biden!

 Instead she turns her haughty head in the opposite direction. 

Tries her best to drown the republican voices 

with her big speaker mic. 

From the outside looking in. This is Swamp corruption; at it's best.

Rules for thee, but not for me!!

Fam, I hope you realize by now, although the massive 

attack in on Donald Trump, it's really not about Donald Trump.

It's about 'We The People' starting with us, blacks, minorities and 

the poor. If they are allowed to flex their authoritarian,

totalitarian, marxist socialist unconstitutional rule of law on 

him; and get away with it. 

Then our houses will be surrounded 

by the newly enforced Po-Po. 100 deep at the break of dawn;

guns pointed; man, woman and child. 

Take everything, lock and key. 

Where's the nearest sanitarium

they had a gun? Legal, who cares?

This is a declaration of insanity.

Whatever, I say goes!

What are you waiting for, cart them off to the nearest sanitarium.

Take what we want and put a government lock on the property.


 Back to the matter at hand; abortion.

First of all, let's break the democrats vicious lie; 

with the authentic truth.

The US Supreme Court did not place any restrictions on abortions.

Please stop listening to these frontline lying democrats. 

They're deceptively trying to gain your vote.

The Supreme Court actually took the side of 

'We The People' 

Their Decision actually protects 

'Us "We The People"

in the future;

from the government overreach; controlling our lives .

As Biden-Harris tried to do with the illegal vaccine mandate.

In essence 'The US Supreme Court" is saying the federal government

which includes the President, Congress, House or Senate have no;

absolutely no; authority in this matter. This matter should only be

determined at individual State levels; by the leadership that 

"We The People vote into State Offices. 

Now that's major because these wicked individuals whom currently 

lead are far worst than racist. They're socialist, marxist, authoritarian,

totalitarian, pursuing communism. 

You heard it for yourself for the Secretary Brian Deese.

The Liberal Order, no matter the expense or casualty.

(paraphrased). They will stop at nothing in their delusional

attempt to control human cargo. What did Schumer say,

when they passed the fake Inflation Reduction Act.

His words: 'we did it, we changed America. The hidden agenda,

the Inflation Reduction Act, The Infrastructure Bill, and ___


The illegal Student Debt wipeout, is a WEALTH TRANSFER 


Leaving the rest of us, including some precious white people

doomed for horrendous deprivation, hardship and destitution.

These individuals are heartless. But then again, their being led by 

a racist, prejudice, bigot; who's best friends and closest associates

were Klu, Klux, Klan.

See I truly know what racism is, I experienced it, as early as four years old. 

I recall my mother taking us back to her home state, home town, of New Orleans, Louisiana. My great grandparents live in a beautiful rancher in New Orleans; my grandparents lived in a not so nice area; in Baton Rouge.

I remember, us sitting in the front of the bus, on our way to see our grandparents 

in Baton Rouge. It seemed like the bus wasn't moving for a very long time. 

Suddenly, the bus driver turned around and asked, my mother where she was from. 

She said, originally from here, but I have been living in New Jersey for many years now. He said, ma'am, I am unable to move the bus until you move to the back.

She didn't say a word, she grabbed us and we move to the back of the bus. 

The bus driver started the engine. Finally, we get to my grandparents 

house and I notice it didn't look as nice and my 

great grandparents house. 

Now even, though I grew up in Camden, New Jersey,

 which has always had the ghetto label. We always had nice things; 

I'll even venture to say, in most cases the best; of the best.. 

My mother was a seamstress, artist, cook, and poet.

 She was a hard worker, with good credit. We never lived without lights,

 a telephone; or food. ...and as for clothes; we had the best; because her and my oldest brother made them. He was a designer; he designed and sowed clothing without a pattern. Whatever we couldn't afford, she made.

 When my stepfather came on the scene, our lifestyle became even more enriched. 

So to see my grandparent's living conditions, even at four, was a culture shock. 

But, it gets worse, several blocks away, were Klu Klux Klansman burning crosses

on lawns. I was scared out of my wits; again; I was only four.

Once my mother realized, we heard her

and my grandparents talking about it; she gave us a mini lecture. 

There are four things I remember her saying, 

that I have lived by my entire life.

1. Hush child, God will protect us.

2. Besides we have Stokely Carmichael and Dick Gregory defending us.

3. Listen, when you grow up, be the best you can be.

I don't care if you become a trash collector. Be the best trash collector

 that ever existed.

4. Be tough (my mother was very petite), I may be a small piece of leather;

 but I'm well put together.

I said, all that to say; the majority of you have the right motive;

but not quite the right method. There's never a time or era 'to 

get up' on hate, retaliation or revenge. 

Have we, Black, African Americans been oppressed; yes!

For decades; and without appropriate intervention.

But this time it's worse, without intervention

we are on the FastTrack toward annihilation.

This current Administration has it's foot on our neck.

While It smiles in our face.

It ain't personal it's how they live. They think of us as illiterate,

ineligible, uneducated, Ginny pigs. We are their experimental 

projects. We're the ones they get to boss around and do 

whatever they want to, whenever they want to. ..and don't

be distracted by the blacks on the frontline, simply pones;

who have agreed to sell us out; for the sake of self preservation.

I'm not mad at them, it's the choice they chose. It's the choice 

they have to live with. Let their own conscience, be their guide. 

But from a heart-to-heart perspective;

 it's time for us, the very ones, labeled as peons 

'to get up'! 

...and we ain't asking for permission either. 

It's time to grow up people. 

Let go of our emotions and see the transparent

picture here. There is no room in the Biden-Harris agenda for us. 

There isn't an honest bone; all fake. 

Take this transparent walk with me for a minute. 

But before you do allow me to say; I have the answer that's

going to finally release the invisible chains 

and egregious crosses off our backs. 

We ain't going back!

 Press play: Forward March!!!

Also, allow me to reestablish, the only side I'm on is 

The Trinity Kingdom

Jehovah God, The Holy Spirit & Jesus Christ.

EYES The Windows Of Heaven LLC,

demolishes their chains

on blacks, minorities and the poor.

 No longer will we be their pone, or pet pilot project. 

This last vicious, wicked moves by The Biden-Harris Administration, 

as in the redistribution of the wealth.

Set themselves, their families and friends up in protection from harsh times.

While leaving, place additional weights of suffer: on all those who disagree

with them; as well blacks, minorities and the poor. 

Will prove to be a set-up of self sabotage. 

They eat, we starve. 

At least that's the plan


A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's; children, and the 

wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.

Proverbs 13:22