MARK 10: 29-31
EYES VQG is the first to introduce Vision Photography-Second Sight Supernatural to the entire world. Vision Photography natural term; Second Sight Supernatural biblical term are actual photos of reality visions that reveal many new unknown worlds. These pictures reveal characters and creatures from ancient, prehistoric, demonic, and holy extending from The Creation into Eternity. Some of it We have heard about, read about in history books and the bible; but have never seen; at least not in Our life time. But all of it is amazing, phenomenal, spectacular.
EYES LLC five towering Floors of elevation, Trinity EYES Showcase, Vision Quest Global and EYES World’s Fare, will cause the economy to immediately flourish by attracting local, national and international tourist, venders and investors; which will in turn expand the hotel, travel and restaurant industries. The Melting Pot Project’s National Job Fair & Re-Employment Plan, 4 year advance; is a three-year project with one purpose: create a new economy that Puts America Back to Work. 5th year Vision Quest Global universally advances placing a cushion under the new economy. The international communities will have access to the product in the 5th year, however for security purposes and retention of America’s prosperity, the distribution will be five years behind. The gist, the world will still have to come to America to see and experience the newest products on the market. Franchising the 7th-year sustains and explosively increases the five-year economic growth expansion established through the other four investment ventures. As well protects Our product and investments as WE accelerate into the global marketplace.
Blue Oceans theory increases all investors ability to pursue new wealth; without any competition. If there are three Shows going on in the Country or around the world, all three investors will be displaying different photography; cinematography and or different presentations. There will only be 5 different Shows before EYES World’s Fare. However; based on investor and consumer interest; those Shows can be displayed multiple times; before EYES World Fare. For example, the 5 Shows that are being presented on the West Coast, can now be seen on the East Coast; and vice-versa. EYES also reserves the right to add more shows bases on investor and consumer response. The advance of Trinity EYES Showcase & Vision Quest Global through Blue Oceans theory increases all investors ability to pursue new wealth; without any competition.
EYES LLC’s vision in a perfect world without any glitches; would be to roll out every project within a seven-year span. However; in forward thinking; even if there are delays in between each venture; the financial capability and capacity only advances. For example, two Trinity EYES Showcase of I, II III & IV instead of one presentation would automatically supersede our monetary consumption result. Expanding Vision Quest Global to ten different shows instead of five; before the EYES World’s Fare; cha-ching, extending EYES World Fare 5 yrs instead of 3 yrs; new economy, what national debt or deficit. The point, any delays simultaneously turn to progressive prosperity.
Our growth accelerates through the strategic progressive expansion of all 5 tier projects. Every year a new/next level adventure capital venture.
Year One: Trinity EYES Showcase- Investor & Consumer Sneak Peek
Year One-Seven: Vision Quest Global-America & Israel Investor Booked Shows
Year Three-Six: EYES World Fare- Coming to America
Year Four-Seven: The Melting Pot Project-National Jobs Fair & Re-Employment Plan
Year Seven: Franchising-From Here Into Eternity
Year Seven-International Investors- Trillion-Zillion Dollar Marketplace
EYES LLC growth strategy is transparent; five debt-free projects, seven years. To ensure sustainability WE are limiting the advance internationally the first seven years. Each project is piggy backing onto the next securing cutting-edge advancement. The truth that Our product is everything that the entire world is inquisitive about; guarantees a consistent audience. Five shows only, all fifty states; before EYES World’s Fare allots a vast opportunity for Vision Photography, Second-Sight Supernatural, Eternity’s Gold to be introduced to, through and around the Country. In addition, generating international tourist advances hotel, restaurant, travel and vending.
WE are not only confident about Our launching, but patient. One project at a time. Each venture must exude precision perfection, non-negotiable. Any delays between ventures encompasses additional opportunities to increase revenue. All ventures will be debt-free from start to finish, clearly a win-win for everyone.
EYES LLC Goal is to present these reality pictures through documentary to the World. WE have the only real pictures of Jesus and those photos are simply breathtakingly indisputable; it really is Him! Each shot shows clear evidence of another world’s existence; to say the least, there is definitive proof of a parallel universe. Clearly a different culture, everything, person and creature appear to be supernatural, most of nothing We have ever seen before.
Although there are seven Reality Signature Series; EYES will only be releasing one God's Creations for public view at this time. Education and security are OUR major concerns. First; WE recognize folk fear, attack and reject what they don't understand. So WE desire to roll this historical dynamic out gently accompanied by elementary facts and truths easy to digest.
There are two major concerns theft and black-market distribution. Prince Yeshua’s Vault Bank eradicates all theft. We are currently investigating all options that prevent illegal distribution. Securing these two protect all investments. Which is the reason why Prince Yeshua’s Vault Bank is the best option.
Prince Yeshua’s Vault Bank will serve as the ultimate security for all EYES LLC’s intellectual properties. As a bank, the ultimate security of all revenue secured by both EYES LLC & KING YAHWEH’S KINGDOM INC- Non-profit. As a tourist trap; it automatically strengthens marketing and promotional advertisement; without any additional funding or effort. WE like to see it in the same equivalent status as The US Mint, a national treasure.
EYES Intellectual Properties 2010 copyright. WE are 100% legally secured under all copy right laws; security of OUR Product is non-negotiable. However unfortunately photography can not be patented; and legal copyrights don't necessarily provide the same ironclad protection. So WE will spend the first few years exploring as many additional legal options as possible to prevent impostors from stealing, repackaging and hosting legal claims.
As a secondary precaution measure of Our merchandise's integrity, EYES LLC will always only display one-of-a-kind. Universal Soldier x2, Deuce, Black Hawk, Thug Angel and Lucifer-Angel of Light are being shown on the internet for commercial advertisement purposes only. No other photos will ever be displayed on the internet. These are the only ones EYES will have used parallel graphic design photos as well. WE will for the very first time expose Enemies at The Gate's original SD shots. The one you see of Universal Soldier left is the original CD shot; right computer graphic. The CD shot is a suggested requirement of Our Attorney to maintain legal protection from theft and impostors.
None comparison; the picture clarity is so stunning SD you actually witness supernatural intelligence on every creature. There's no doubt in your mind that the shot of Universal Soldier is that of a real person the thing that will have you mesmerized is that he is ancient. Suddenly it hits you; these are not just shots this is a new fresh weird but true reality. Then the spine tingling question becomes; are those who live centuries before us alive in another world? The attachment comes in the visualization; they all possess some form of human feature and appear to be posing for the picture.
Again the original SD can be seen with the utmost picture clarity. This will eliminate any fake shots surfacing with claims from impostors stating shot was taken from a different angle. This strategy increases all investors ability to pursue new wealth; without any competition Blue Oceans. In other words; no investor will ever be showing the same pictures or presentations at the same time. If there are three shows going on in the Country, all three will being displaying different pictures or presentations. No competition!
All Productions will include biblical dialog, content, and script. However; it is Our goal to make Our Universal presentation reasonably palatable to everyone without compromising Our Faith. So WE have decide to allow the Science, History, Paranormal, Supernatural and Educational Industry to offer their parallel professional opinion. Christian and non-Christian certified experts will be awarded the opportunity to present cold hard scientific, historical, paranormal, supernatural, educational and biblical truths. Healthy dialogue; only, no confrontational content will be allowed. Each shot is mesmerizing, intriguing, stunning; a smorgasbord for scientist, historians, paranormal, biblical, and supernatural research. As well a vast venue of education for skeptics, naysayers, atheist, and believers.
terms & conditions apply
EYES strategy is to produce a new economy nationally simultaneously. VQG is a revenue advance for America, Israel & International Marketing . WE provide the ultimate opportunity for investors to make money. Every Entrepreneur, Business Owner, 5 Fold Leader, heck even the average Joe; can financially advance easily, substantially and immediately. EYES's CEO/Founder/Chair's main focus is family, Church and America. However WE are extending the economy boost opportunity through VQG around the world. And the financial return; well let's just say there are millions, billions , trillions; at stake for all parties. Wealth without risk; is new money that makes money without debt.
Vision Quest Global oversees EYES Signature Series. The Signature Series; Vision Photography-Second Sight Supernatural; Eternity’s Gold: is an avant-garde photographic, cinematography supernatural education of; newly discovered past, present and future hidden eternity creation secrets within all three dimensions of the universal and (journey to the center of the earth), air (outer-inner space) and sea (underwater worlds). This photography legitimately represents at least six different categories; education, history, science, bible, paranormal, and supernatural. The Greatest Show on Earth, The Event of The Century! EYES Cinematography literally puts America back on the Map!
What exactly is Vision Photography-Second Sight Supernatural; Eternity’s Gold? Authentic photography of actual visions of the supernatural. The invisible, visual visible, the unseen, seen, the unknown, known; of all three dimensions of the universe; air (outer-inner space), sea (underwater worlds) and land (journey to the center of the earth). Where does it come from? I'm glad you asked? Second-Sight Supernatural stems from a biblical gift known as “the prophetic gift of miracles” which awards me the ability to see into invisible worlds; visual-visible. The photography serves as evidence of my supernatural miraculous gifting.
For many decades’ folk, have intrigued us with their accounts of UFO’s, the extraterrestrial, the paranormal, the supernatural; and The Rapture. Well, this decade EYES LLC is officially unveiling a mere portion of Vision Photography, Second-Sight Supernatural; Eternity’s Gold: to the public, confidently validating those claims
EYES The Windows of Heaven LLC (Camden N.J.) intends to roll-out this Signature Series (documentary platform) through five different investment ventures within seven years. 1) Trinity EYES Showcase; which is a sneak peek preview to the World and investors of EYES value package via one showing. 2) Vision Quest Global is the overseer of all Signature Series investments, local, national and international. 3) USA World’s Fare; one location, advances the economy by attracting local, national and international tourist, venders and investors; which will in turn expand the hotel, travel and restaurant industries: three years. 4) The Melting Pot Project’s National Job Fair & The Melting Pot Re-Employment Plan is a three-year project with one purpose: Put America Back to Work. 5) Franchising sustains and increases the five-year economic growth expansion established through the other four investment ventures (national and international).
All EYES projects will be ‘debt free’ from the start of each venture; setting the transition in place for ‘new money’. Wealth without risk is ‘new money’ that makes money without debt. Investor returns will begin distribution in the 3, 4 and 5 years. The only way to ensure investors secure returns on investments is to stay free of impending liabilities.
Every true investor knows the best time to get in on a lucrative investment is at the Ground Floor.
This Skyscraper has Five Towering Floors & the Sky's the limit.
On the other hand; this particular investment is unique in the sense it requires ones ability to think outside-the-box. If you can see Universal Soldier, Deuce, Black Hawk, Thug Angel, & Angel of Light (Lucifer); then supernatural is already on your eyes. Because the CD's don't have the same clarity as the SD's. That's why WE had graphic parallels done to enhance the visual. Our Decision not to unveil the SD's protects US and you; the investors. While every SD photo is stunningly flawless, the revelation realities are all new. And the supernatural is actually experienced as you witness this new unveiling historical moment in time.
If you're not adventurous then perhaps this venture while extremely prosperous just might not be for you.
However if you are adventurous you get to witness and experience first hand ; ancient, past, present and many new worlds to come; secrets unveiled right before your very EYES. As well be the very first to play a major role in introducing these new founded illuminating truths to the entire world.
The Greatest Intergalactic Universe Show on Earth!!!
Apostle Spring Washington CEO/Founder/President will never lease or sell her products. To do so, would be disrespectful to the Gift-Giver Jesus as well defeat EYES LLC’s mission and vision. Instead, EYES will book shows for each investor. Her vision, documentaries; all purposed to stay the path of 100% reality based. All documentaries will contain biblical content.
EYES The Windows of Heaven LLC Camden N.J. intends to roll-out this Signature Series documentary platform through five different investment ventures within seven years. Our services include offering various packages to accommodate each individual stakeholder. For example, WE have the billionaires club, millionaires club, the entrepreneurs club, the investors club and the experts club.
WE are not only confident about Our launching, but patient. One project at a time. Each venture must exude precision perfection, non-negotiable. Any delays between ventures encompasses additional opportunities to increase revenue. All ventures will be debt-free from start to finish, clearly a win-win for everyone.
Our growth accelerates through the strategic progressive expansion of all 5 tier projects. Every year a new/next level adventure capital venture.
Year One: Trinity EYES Showcase- Investor & Consumer Sneak Peek
Year One-Two: Vision Quest Global-Investor Booked Shows
Year Three-Six: EYES World Fare- Coming to America
Year Four-Seven: The Melting Pot Project-National Jobs Fair & Re-Employment Plan
Year Seven: Franchising-From Here Into Eternity
Year Seven: International Investors- Trillion-Zillion Dollar Marketplace
Prosperity Fail Proofed
EYES LLC’s vision in a perfect world without any glitches; would be to roll out every project within a seven-year span. However; in forward thinking; even if there are delays in between each venture; the financial capability and capacity only advances. For example, two Trinity EYES Showcase of I, II III & IV instead of one presentation would automatically supersede our monetary consumption result. Expanding Vision Quest Global to ten different shows instead of five; before the EYES World’s Fare; cha-ching.
EYES CEO’s goal is to stick to the seven-year expansion, not one day more. However, any postponements in the middle would and could only lead to forward-thinking double to triple profitability for all parties involved.
Furthermore, EYES LLC intends to support and sustain its growth through continuous unveiling of advanced education, product enhancement, and Blue Oceans theory. Blue Oceans theory increases all investors ability to pursue new wealth; without any competition. If there are three Shows going on in the Country or around the world, all three investors will be displaying different photography; cinematography or presentations or both.
WE are responsible for managing all facets of presentation from documentary, to booking, to ticket tron, to location, to debut, to security, close and financial distribution. WE will research best selections for showcasing and offer the investor two different site options. WE will allow the investor some leave way on specific city and state; terms and conditions apply. For instance, size of purchase determines the range. Moreover, there’s always room for negotiation, ultimately OUR aim is to please the client.
Special services offered to better accommodate the stakeholders are; 1. Professionals paralleling their expert opinions from science, history, paranormal, supernatural to biblical, investor’s choice. 2. Private showings for those investors whom prefer their customers experience a more intimate setting.
The violent crime wave that we are experiencing across this Country,
is not only horrendous; but Our fault. The three co-conspirators are the
Government; specifically this adminstration, the Church and man; the heterosexual male.
Lets start with the Government; defunding the Police, ICE and the Border Patrol Agents
whether through funding deficiency and or responsibilty has emaculated the authority role
necessary to deescalate any and all impending dangers; locally, nationally and internationally.
Our fierce forces have been degraded into delicate customer service agents to the most vile, violent
criminals in the nation. Even if they try to defend us, they risk personal lawsuits; against them and their familes. All because of a few baad apples that you Government are too lazy to pluck out.
2nd, holding up the rear, are the radical socialist-communist Governors, Mayors, District Attorneys,
Judges, Prosecutors and Congress members. Who live in their posh gated communities; employ Police security for themselves; paying thousands per month. To ensure their security while they bamboozle our communities and neighborhoods; with this revolving door on let the prisoners out, even the lifers; and abolish all the prisons. ..and if that's not enough we have Joe and Kamala, letting the entire world in, no ID required; known terrorist with unknown whereabouts, drug cartel, human and sex traffickers, placing our millenials future at risk; with no end in sight. Offering them free amenittes, food, clothing, shelter, social security cards, driver's licenses, voting rights as if they are the citizens. The illegal immigrants aren't out of baby food; but US citizens are. Unvetted Afghans; everybody pick your city, state we fly you there; all compliments of the B-H regime on 'We The People's dime. While Joe and Hunter sit behind artillery gates with hefty armored security again, on We The People's dime.
Then there's the dead Church. Dead as a door knob.
The majority of it’s our fault because we have punks,
wimps, traitors and chumps; standing boldly beside the devil in the pulpit. Taking orders from him.
No lifestyle; dead words, trickery scripts; more talk about celebrities and the world;
than about Jesus’s salvation promise; coming across the holy podium.
The Holy Ghost is labeled as It; the emotional one. The word ‘sin’ is totally eliminated, deleted from any
and all pontificated text. Jehovah God hasbeen completely evicted from the Church, its’dialogue. Jesus is God all by Himself; no acknowledgement of The Holy Trinity.
It’s impossible to preach,teach what one doesn’t live. The devil knows the bible by the back of his
hand; he just can’t live it. These are image whores!!! A city of witches, warlocks and wizards. Psychics, fortunetellersseated in the pulpit; right beside the preacher. You need an answer; don’t ask Jesus; ask Sylvia; the psychic. But, don’t forget to demand Jesus, give you material wealth. Demand He turn it over; right now!! Give me my stuff, Jesus!!! Churches run like businesses. Some preachers even have landline
phones next to them in the pulpit. While others have named the Church after themselves
to ensure the family brokered legacy continues. Male led households that wreak the world’s stench.
Unequally yoked marriages; meaningeither the husband is holy, and the wife is
helly; or the wife is holy, and the husband is helly. As a direct result the children are out-of-control.
Funneling helly; instead of holy into Jesus’s sheep; the congregation. Eliminating the voices of the seniors; thevery ones whom witnessed and experienced
God’s real power. It’s really baad!!!
So busy trying to compete with the world's new toys and things. One can't decipher the difference.
I'm listening to preachers talk more about celebrities in the world than teach and preach about
the one true celebrity Jesus. Let’s be very clear,I’m talking about apostle, prophets,
bishops, pastors, evangelist, and teachers.
Folk that were definitely called:whom have become behind the scenes pimps, drug brokers, assassins, mafia, illuminati,illegal guns distributors. Basking in and with concubines,
deploying prostitutes, madams and drug dealers.
Real life Dr. Jekyll; Mr. Hyde.
But definitely not chosen; because Jehovah God knew in eternity; knew they would viciously, maliciously betray The Holy Trinity Kingdom. Traitorship without a cause…
…Last chance…
Unfortunately, they have allowed Satan to tempt them with the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life. In otherwords: seduce them with wealth, fame and fortune
in exchange for souls. Starting with their own family
and anything else he demands.
Luke 4
And then there's man; I'm talking about the heteroseual male.
Who started getting manny peddies; and turned into a pure punk.
Man, who is naturally programmed to protect and defend. Is currently standing
behind the women and children. Man whom use to have one-word impacting responses.
Now has the talk host beat on gossip. Man who use to say 'suck it up to hurt and pain.
Now cries real tears if a splinter is in his finger. Man who took pride in his masculinity;
and masculine contribution to his family and community. Has now become the greatest dyfunction
to both. Man who use to teach his son's how to be a man: by showing him how to treat a woman,
protect and defend his territory, fish, shave and make money. That man now teaches his son; a real man knows how to cheat on his significant other, drink, drug and spend money in the strip clubs.
Man who had family values, integrity, strong work ethic and a love for this Country.